Thursday, April 24, 2014

We've become very busy, we have been assigned to work with two wards and their Relief Society Presidents, plus the ward mission leader and the full time missionaries.  One ward has 3Elders, 4sisters and the two of us.  the other ward has 4 elders, 4sisters and us.  We personally received the assignment to work with 5recent. Sister converts in helping them learn and do Family Home evenings, pray, and prepare to go to the temple.  We have gone to each home and gotten acquainted with them and will be doing family home evenings with them soon.
The other ward we have been working with a little longer and have been out to meet and find out what the needs are of 11sisters.  and made call backs to some of them, dinner for sister missionaries,
And for a sister who had surgery.  Sorry the iPad is deciding where to punctuate and changing what I try to do. We made visits to 6 other homes where we were not received or left standing in the rain, we had a good laugh at ourselves and we now both have an umbrella in our car at all times!  This last ward also has given us a list of people to check out and see if they do indeed live at the address we have and invite them to church, we went to 8 of them today and found no one home, have 7more to do.  We will have to go back on each one till we catch them home, hoping nights or weekends will bring us better luck!  S o far we have tried visiting one sister 5 times and not been able to find her home.  Loving the. Work and the people, we have given out a lot of oass a long cards to people who talk to us in stores.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

We had a fun and exciting day yesterday!  we went to see a family we hadn't been able to catch home, as we arrived we could see they were there, truck parked, child looking out window, etc.  S o were excited to finally catch them for a visit, just then the sky opened up and dumped a deluge!  It was running in sheets over the car and soon little rivers began running around our car.  We decided to wait it out and after awhile it began to let up considerably, so I jumped from the car and headed for the house calling to my companion I'm going in!  Soon the two large dogs saw me and headed for me growling and barking, I continued forward slowly, by now it was beginning to rain a little heavier.  I got past the dogs and made it to the uncovered stairs where my companion joined me once she saw that the dogs didn't eat me.  By now we look like drowned rats and it is raining harder so I knock....and then knock.....child watching us through the window.....and they didn't answer the door!  So we waded back to the car with water now up to our ankles and went home to wring out our clothes, dry off and put on dry clothes, redo our hair and go to a relief society meeting where we sat out side in the cold wind to learn about straw gardening!   A fun day in the South Carolina mission!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Yesterday was truly an adventure!  We went to do some visiting and to get acquainted with some of the sisters in one of the wards we are assigned to.  thank heaven for my Groman as we never would have found places we were on the road most of the day, many if not most of which were a soft sand.
We went through woods around lakes and in the country.  Met one really special sister that we enjoyed visiting with, she loves decorating her home, using old antiques, she has a beautiful room that was a screened in porch, I would like to do this to my deck.  Hers over looks a lake what a fun restful place to visit.  One place we were nicely told they were fine and didn't need a visit, I'm glad they were pleasant about it.  D ad and. I always aliaked to take off without any plan and as we called it have an adventure, as we were out today traveling through the beautiful countryside I felt he was there with me.  We had one experience where we felt we were definitely protected, I pulled out onto the road and a car came barreling around a corner and I would bet there was about a papers width between us, he keep tons going after honking at aus but he never slowed down.  God is watching over us!

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Hi everyone. I have arrived in South Carolina, having enjoyed 5days at the MTC the spirit there is incredible!  We have a nice apartment and have gotten settled, we have attended many meetings!
All of the new missionaries were asked to sit on the stand introduce themselves and  bear their testimonies at the transfer meeting.  That night we attended the Columbia Souh Caralina temple and then dinner at the mission home.  WEVE ALSO MET IN A ZONE MEETING A district meeting a meeting with Stake and Ward leaders. Sorry not shouting just hit caps.
Of. Ourse the last two days of General Conference Meetings.  w e are starting out being assigned to assist two wards Relief Society Presidents with visits one warred has 129 widows.  w visited one sister. Tonight after conference, thorough enjoyed her and her husband.  They are going to leave in July to ride to Texas and then through Grand Canyon and back they are working on a bucket list now that they have retired.  Nice visit.  tomorrow we are going to try to visit. 5 sisters.  we have enjoyed the young elders which are always so grntlemanly and helpful.  the young missionary sisters always run up and hug us and then introduce themselves.  One young miss. Sister knows Taylor from school in Morgan and about 6 of the mare from Clearfield, West Point and Syracuse.  I finally gott an internet connection today.  remember I can receive phone calls, two hour time difference, evenings are the best time.  also mail is nice my companion receives lots of mail and letter but she has 7 children,  hmm oh yeah so do I!
Love you all Donn I hope you can get help for your shoulder soon!  I love you all and miss you!  Stay forever strong!

Sunday, March 30, 2014

I loved being at the Missionary Training Center every day is packed with learning and their teachers are wonderful!  It was a spiritual feast.  We were also able to go to the BYU Art
Museum to see the "Sacred Gifts" exhibit of alter pieces done by Carl Block and two other painters, well worth seeing and an other spiritual. Feast!   I have a wonderful companion I have much to learn from her.  I left the MTC on Friday afternoon and made it to Rifle, Colorado where I spent the night at a Grandson's home.  Saturday we traveled to Hays Kansas, my son in law Glenn is accompanying me and drove a lot yesterday as I was so tired from the schedule at the MTC.

We have another traveling companion Chico, my bird he has done well I missed him while I was at the MTC and I will miss having him in my home, but know he will have a good home with Glenn and Tammy, my daughter and her husband.

We were able to listen to some great spiritual and fun tapes on the way and so the time went by quickly.  There is not much news but wanted everyone to know what a wonderful adventure this is and that I am well and enjoying this time!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Welcome to Angie's News!

This is where I will be posting current news and my new adventures! I probably won't be posting much until I reach my destination, so for the next week there won't be much.  My daughter Tammy will be managing this for me.